Bdo Failstack Table

Q q my rng is abysmal.
Bdo failstack table. The tables show the base chance for the target enhancement level how the chance increases per fail stack and the chance at soft cap and hard cap with the number of fail stacks needed for that in the parathesis. Any 2019 failstack sheet after the updates. Durability makes the enhancement chance harder but decreases the amount of durability used.
The following failstack charts are with the durability option selected during enhancement. Softcap button uses failstack softcap values based on mshr chart. Every enhance is capped at 90.
Calculate optimal failstacks for accessories weapons and armors. Use 14 reblath armor or militia weapon to get these failstacks. After softcap threshold failstacks are less effective.
Pen rocaba helm on 60 90 fs. Failstack optimisation how to failstack when failstacking remember to use the prioritize durability option or you will be unable to build failstacks on green grade items. For more details on enhancing you can read my black desert online enhancement guide.
But the average of 18 taps for pen at 90fs doesn t make sense to me. Thanks to u therealmcmasher for sharing much of the following data. Black desert online failstack calculator with enhance simulator.
Question hi guys i was afk for 3 months and now that i got back to bdo when i tried to upgrade my weapons i saw that the game presents the percentage on the enhancement blackspirit window. If you are looking for information about the new naderr s band click here 1 to 12 failstacks. I m over 20 taps on pen lemoria boots over 100fs.
If i knew how the averages math worked i d try to work out what my chances are for failing that many times.