Digimon World 3 Digivolution Chart

Kadomatsu runs the digimon lab in asuka city and piximon at all other towns it s where you change partners equipped evolution s load techniques and view digivolution charts for your digimon.
Digimon world 3 digivolution chart. Other digivolutions 4 weapons and armor 4 1 monmon exclusive armor 4 2 hand. Blast digivolution blast digivolution will happen once the blast gauge is full after being hit by enemies. Content is available under a creative commons attribution sharealike 3 0 unported.
Natural digivolution 2 1 monmon 2 2 hookmon 2 3 armormon 2 4 cannondramon 3. Digimon world 3 dna chart sebelumnya kamu harus tahu kalau setiap digimon dapat ber digivolve menjadi setiap digimon yg berbeda. Syaratnya berbeda beda bagi setiap rookie digimon yakni level dan stat data berarti saat rookie digimon milikmu mencapai level tertentu dan memiliki beberapa data tertentu maka dapat melakukan digivolution.
This option lets you change the partner digimon in your group 2. During blast digivolution a digimon is digivolved into a new form based on its level and can access the original technique of the form. Note that rookie digimon can t use any loaded techniques.
Digimon world 3 monmon faq guide.