Dra Conversion Chart

Grade level lexile rating ar level dra level fountas pinnell guided reading 12 2 1250 12 2 12 8 1275 12 8 13 5 1300 13 5 twelfth grade tenth grade ninth grade eleventh grade eighth grade sixth grade seventh grade 3.
Dra conversion chart. This chart includes text level conversions for grade guided reading dibels lexile dra and stage of reading this chart is for a teacher to select text for student reading. Atos conversion chart developmental reading assessment dra. This chart includes lexile level recommendations and may also be used as a general leveling guide.
This chart includes lexile level recommendations and may also be used as a general leveling guide. Use the grid below to shop by guided reading developmental reading assessment dra and lexile levels. Raz kids resources lexile bands are certified through a partnership with metametrics.
Ar lexile dra reading counts chart xls author. Use the grid below to shop by guided reading developmental reading assessment dra and lexile levels. It does not ensure that the student can understand the text as that requires the elements of text complexity to be addresse.
Developmental reading assessment levels dra come from the reading assessment tool measuring your child s reading accuracy fluency and comprehension. The numbers jump by twos fours and tens.